No love no honey

I usually stay within the objective realm despite writing about highly subjective topics. This time around I venture outside that boundary into a more vulnerable space: on the edge of my own grey zone. 

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Erotix Salon April 2024

It's that time of the year again when the birds and bees are heralding the summer and the weather finally eases up in Belgium. We once again put on those sexy, party clothes and let our hair down. The yearly, Erotix salon graces the Brussels Kart Expo arena in Groot Bijgaarden; and we are drawn to it like the proverbial moths to the flame. Why?

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How much?

Over the last three months or so I've had an array of personal services online. Most of my followers on various social platforms are female sex workers. The most riveting and challenging conversations, over the course of a couple of months, have been, in ensemble, with a male, sex worker. Two of my close female acquaintances are cam girls, and the rest...I don't know...they don't talk much (is the mainstream crowd perpetually doomed to fearing its own shadow?).

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Be my Valentine !

She has beautiful, long, dark hair. Her Persian eyes, full lips and large breasts are designed by the nature Gods to tickle your fantasies. She's also a lawyer and can fill your ears with a great synopsis of Aristotle's Constitution. 

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Mind the Gap!

"Mind the Gap!" I remembered the eloquent voice from the London underground, some 15 years ago. I would instinctively look down, and skip over it. It had been a fun trip to London, Camden Town and a worthy reunion with an old friend. It had also served as a romantic prelude to a marriage that would later fall through the gap.

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All We Need

I'm a 90's teen. I grew up with Scope, Playboy and Hustler magazines. They were basically the only way to porn. It took rummaging through recycling bins after school to find them and some imagination to actually create the moving pictures behind them.

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I've been meaning to write again about an old, favourite topic of mine, "Sexuality" for some time now but kept wondering how to approach it. It's become pretty difficult to take any kind of middle stance on sensitive topics the last while. Notably it has become pretty difficult to balance out harnessing attention for the purpose of sharing and education while at the same time not tipping the scales into obscenity and depravity. 

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Nuts and Bolts

In light of the new Barbie movie, which I as yet haven't watched and will not critique, here is my personal brand of feminism:

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"What is a woman?" is a film documentary released by The Daily Wire's host, Matt Walsh back in 2022.

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Today is Mother's Day and once again I'd forgotten about it until my daughters ran into the bedroom excited to show me their gifts.

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Truth or Dare ?

This was a game often played in High School back in the 90's. You had to choose if you wanted to tell the truth or do a dare. Both options were equally nerve wracking because both involved putting yourself at the mercy of an audience. These days it's a lot more about hide and seek. We`re not adolescents anymore: not my age group anyway.

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I've been listening a lot to various podcasters of the Daily Wire, more notably Matt Walsh's (#mattwalsh) monologues. His crisp, unapologetic and somewhat sociopathic conservatism grows on you. Of course I don't agree with several of his viewpoints...I'm a liberal after all. Or at least a "live and let live" kind of liberal. If you want to identify as a tree and marry a leaf, by all means go forth and do it! However, without the expectation of my affirmation. The whole principle of free will hinges on exactly that "free will". 

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